You will never find in open sources information that you hold in your hands. This is a limited collection of case studies and insights into the implementation of
changes in Ukraine over 4 years of operations of the Reforms Delivery Office of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, from 2017 to 2020.

We hope that our experience will serve as a useful guide for current and future politicians and civil servants seeking changes. This guide will help experts who want to work in the public sector to avoid mistakes. Managers will find new approaches to transformation and teamwork. NGOs, think tanks and independent experts working with the public sector will be able to better understand the public administration system and contribute to the success of reforms.

Find the Guide:

in Ukrainian by the link - Інстайти реформ. Гайд з впровадження змін: з чого почати та як довести до бажаного результату 

in English by the link - Reform Insights. A Guide to Implementing Changes