Maryna Denysiuk

Senior Project manager


Experienced professional in government relations, project management, team coordination and leadership, sectoral issues such as energy policy and energy markets, Green Deal policy, industrial ecology, waste management, climate change and investments in renewable energy and environmental projects in Ukraine.

From February 2022, she made a significant contribution to the finalisation of the EU questionnaire in the areas of environmental protection and energy and led the RDO team for the coordination and preparation of the draft Recovery Plan of Ukraine in 24 directions, the finalisation of the plan and its generalisation.

Since September 2022, Maryna Denysiuk has been supporting the Multi-agency Donor Coordination Platform for Ukraine in coordinating assistance to the energy sector, including internal coordination and stakeholder engagement, working with partners to address critical infrastructure needs, and assisting in monitoring the financing and implementation of key projects in the energy sector for 2023.

Since August 2023, providing general coordination support in the development of the Plan required for the launch of the EU Ukraine Facility programme to the Reforms Delivery Office and Reform Support Teams; coordinating Ukrainian ministries and analysis centres for the development and finalisation of the Plan.

More than three and a half years of experience in the field of government relations, project management, consulting in the field of energy policy, environmental protection system, climate action and coordination of European Green Deal initiatives at the level of the Ukrainian government.

7 years of experience in project management in the field of industrial energy efficiency and green energy, 17 own projects and over 30 as project team leader under the Kyoto Protocol in areas such as thermal power generation and distribution, alternative and small-scale energy, landfill degassing, water and electricity distribution networks, chemical companies, coal mining and processing, energy efficiency in industrial companies, etc.

She led the project to create a unified digital tool for energy sector support – AidEnergy - with funding from the EBRD's ITA programme. This tool is currently of key importance, especially for rapid response to new attacks on energy infrastructure.

Key competences - building and leading an effective team, technical review of the project, implementation of changes.

She holds a Master's degree in Ecology and Environmental Protection and a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Sevastopol National Technical University.

She completed a number of training programmes at Kyiv School of Energy Policy, Kyiv-Mohyla Business School, OSCE and GIZ in the fields of economics, finance, energy, implementation of the European Green Deal objectives and reforms in Ukraine.

Advanced qualification in the field of "Energy Audit" at the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management of NTUU "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute".