"The Energy Reform ABCs" is a unique project of the Reform Delivery Office and DiXi Group.

Use an accessible, clear, and ironic language to tell the readers about major concepts and phenomena that shape the current agenda of the Ukrainian energy sector and enable those knowledgeable about this topic to look at these concepts from a different angle.


Create a format for presenting information that would pique the interest of both well-informed industry experts and uninformed ordinary Ukrainians. Not simply state the energy sector facts that look dry and unclear to the ordinary person, but present them authentically and, which is very important, explain their point accessibly.

On analyzing the information environment in this area, existing formats of communication of the energy industry and the situation in it, the Reform Delivery Office expert suggested a new option — "The Energy Reform ABCs."

This communication product was designed to outline key concepts, phenomena, or terms of the energy sector and provide their original description.

 "The Energy Reform ABCs" is a unique project of the Reform Delivery Office and DiXi Group.

A total of 52 concepts (phenomena) in the energy sector have been described for almost every letter of the alphabet. This produced a kind of summary of changes and transformations that the Ukrainian energy sector has undergone in 2014 to 2019. 

All the cards were published twice every week for 8 months on the website and the Facebook page of Ukrаїнська Energетика, the industry-specific publication.

The full version of the ABCs is available here: ABCs