The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine is in search of a Senior Expert for the vacant position in its Recovery and Reform Support Team



The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine is in search of a Senior Expert for the vacant position in its Recovery and Reform Support Team

Senior Expert (Management and Financing) on Early Childhood and Preschool Education, (Category 1) 

To participate in the competition, the applicants are requested to submit the following documents in English:
1. a completed application form - download here;
2. CV in English;
3. at least one professional recommendation in English or Ukrainian with English translation;
4. contact details for two referees who, if contacted, can attest to the professional and/or educational background of the candidate;
5. a completed non-disclosure agreement (NDA) form – download here;

The deadline for submission of documents – 23 hours 59 min (Kyiv time) June 02, 2024.
Email for submission:

Contact person – Kateryna Gaiduchenko

Important information
Only Ukrainian nationals are eligible to apply. According to the EBRD rules, civil servants are not eligible for applying unless the six-month period has elapsed since they have left such employment.

These positions require full employment and physical presence at the office in Kyiv.

About the Recovery and Reform Support Team
The Recovery and Reform Support Team (RST) at the Ministry of Education and Science is operational as of June 2019. It is a group of Ukrainian professionals (non-civil servants) funded on a temporary basis by the donors within the framework of Ukraine Recovery and Reform Architecture Project. RST provides targeted technical support and assists the Ministry in the design and implementation of priority reforms, while strengthening links and partnerships between the Ministry’s priorities and relevant donor support.
Ukraine Recovery and Reform Architecture (URA) is a comprehensive technical assistance programme deployed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), in partnership with the European Union, to support critical recovery and reform processes in Ukraine.

URA is financed from the Ukraine Stabilisation and Sustainable Growth Multi- Donor Account (MDA) managed by the EBRD. Contributors to the MDA are Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union, the largest donor.

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